This micro-service web component provides a user with a web application to display, create and update information of the inventoried items. It is dependent on two other components:
- RIDS, which provides services to access the MongoDB collection of rolling stock documents containing a RFID associated to a road name and number
- MRFM, which provides services to store image files (jpeg) in a file store
The following figure shows the MRIM micro-service in context of the other micro-services needed to provide the application ability to manage inventories.
The following lists of items, commonly found in model railroads, that can be managed by a user using this application:
- Rolling Stock
- AAR Codes
- Images
- Companies
- Structures
The following screen shots, show the Rolling Stock list, an associated popup of the details of a single piece of rolling stock, and the entry form to create a new item in the rolling stock inventory.
The following screen shot shows the locomotives within the Rolling Stock list and DCC decoder information.
The following screen shots, show the Structure list, an associated popup of the details of a single structure, and the entry form to create a new structure in the inventory.
The following PDF reports can be created by this application:
- AAR Codes
- Companies
- Images
- Rolling Stock sortable by Road Name and Road Number or AAR Code or Status
The following screen shot shows the selection menu for report creation.
Sample Rolling Stock Report
The application can export inventories in either JSON or CSV and imports files in CSV.