Model Railroad Layout Manager (MRLM)

This micro-service web component provides a user with a web application to display, create and update information of the layout items. It is dependent on two other components:

  • RLDS, which provides services to access the MongoDB collection of layout documents
  • ISMS, which provides services to store information when a micro controller starts
  • ISTS, which subscribes to turnout contact messages and passes them to MRLM
  • IPTS, which publishes command messages to turnouts
  • ISTC, which subscribes to turnout contact messages, turnout command messages, turnout panel push button messages and publishes turnout contact messages and turnout panel light commands

The following figure shows the MRLM micro-service in context of the other micro-services needed to provide the application ability to manage inventories.

MRLM in context of other micro-services

The following screen shots, show layout item lists.
MRLM Micro Controller List
MRLM Turnout List
MRLM Turnout Panel Light List